FM20 Training Planner v1.5

A planner tool for training created by FMathlete, primarily made as a way to remember which attribute...




This training planner tool was originally created by FMathlete for FM19 and updated for FM20 by Pedroig. Sharing it here with their kind permission.

The overhaul to the Training module in FM 2019 was overwhelming to a lot of people. The level of detail you can go into when setting up your schedules is great. 

But how can you know the changes you're making won't have a negative effect on the players further down the road?

One obvious solution is to hand it over to the Assistant Manger and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Some people though, want to get more involved with it, particularly those seeing training as an essential part to being the boss.

Part of the issue is trying to remember which attributes and impacts are being affected by each session. There’s a lot to take in and it's easy to forget most of it when not playing! This spreadsheet tool is the solution because it can do most of the thinking for you.


This workbook was prepared independently of SI and FM. It is entirely my own interpretation of how I understand the training modules to work and i could very well be completely wrong! I am continuing to test it's success and will make adjustments to the math as I learn more about the true impact of training sessions on player attributes. Please feel free to use the data as you see fit, and share your comments or suggestions for improvements with the community.

For details about how this tool was created and how it works, please refer to FMathlete's blog post: Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail | A Planner Tool for Training

The Training Planner Spreadsheet

User Interface
On the front sheet is a schedule that mimics the one in the game. You simply click on a the drop down arrow and select your session from the list.

Training Schedule
Below the schedule is a table that totals up the affects on each attribute or impact for the different units. The more sessions you add to the schedule, the greater the affect. This gives you a quick visual of which attributes are being worked on most, and which ones are being neglected, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments to get it just right.

Interpreting the Data

One important point to make when reading the data, is that the numbers are all interdependent, and are not showing what the actual increase of the attribute will be. I.e. where Aerial Reach has a 1.4 for Goalkeepers, this is not saying that this attribute will increase by 1.4, but rather that there is a relative affect to the value of 1.4, compared to say an affect on First Touch of only 0.4.

You can adjust the schedule to change which attributes are being worked on. For example, you might throw an Endurance session in to bump up the physical attribute training, or remove Team Bonding to reduce the affects on Teamwork and Team Cohesion.


For one thing, there will be “hidden” affects of training that aren’t explicitly called out in the session descriptions and therefore, have not been factored into the tool. An obvious example is that player fitness will increase with training and match practice. I am yet to assign a value for how much attributes like Natural Fitness or Stamina might be affected by a player simply going to training, regardless of what the session entails.

I am still working on the affects from Set Pieces training as well as playing in a competitive Match. At the moment, choosing Match will have the same affect as Match Practice, although my feeling here is that in a real match, the effort and intensity is higher so i may increase these values in the future. As for Set Pieces, these wont have any affect at the moment but i’m working on this part for the next version.

Finally, there’s also no correlation to Individual Training and how this will impact on the players development in the long run either.

Updated for FM20

Pedroig added some updates and tweaks, which maybe used or ignored as you wish. 

Added Bravery Attribute
Added Attacking Overlap
Added Defend from the Front
Added Play from the Back

User Input page: 
You can now enter your League Reputation (0-5 stars) for a baseline training regime guide of intensity. 
You can now enter your squad's average attributes for Natural Fitness, Stamina, Work Rate, and Determination for a custom training regime guideline. (These attributes have been selected because they seem most applicable to the visible traits to how hard you can push your squad in training, disregards personalities)
You can select up to 10 CORE DNA attributes. These will be highlighted on the Tactical Planner page for your convenience.

Tactical Planner page:
Added a Type for each DAY's training regime. This will quickly show the training intensity level (should be comparable to the ingame intensity) as well as the Tactical Periodization training type.
Added a scale for intensity colors and a definition section for the Tactical Periodization terminology. Along with brief suggested usage. 
As noted above, the Core DNA attributes you have selected will be highlighted in the table.

Read Me page:
Moved notes around.
Added change log
Added To Do list


FMathlete's blog // FMathlete on Twitter // Pedroig on SI forums

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