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Positioning Adboard's

I was asked by @wkdsoul if it was possible to position adboards in certain positions and thought I'd put together this tutorial to demonstrate how its done. While is it possible to place adboards in certain positions it mainly works with clubs who use pitch side LCD ads. The process is a little complex as bar the pitchside adboards the adboard numbers at times follow no logical pattern and can repeat numbers depending on the stadium model.

The support files in this link are needed for this method - Download

Step One
We have the Juventus stadium displaying generic adboards, however we want to place a fan banner in the middle of the goal, to do this we have to know how to assign adboards to certain positions


Install the attached graphic files and open up the ads.xml file in the football manager folder and the XML Insert LCD file from the download. in the XML Insert LCD file locate the following code;

<!-- Club section for club ID #661 -->
<list id="1139">
<integer value="3500"/>
<integer value="661000"/>
<integer value="661001"/>

Change the <list id="1139"> code to include your clubs ID number, paste this into the Ads.xml file and load up FM18 again, Our match with Juventus now looks like this;


We now have adboards which tell us which number each adboard is within the xml file, note that not all adboards are unique and adboard '0' will be repeated 3 times on this screen.

Step Two
We now need to assign our banners to correct positions. My code here assigns my 3 new adboards to the game (See the guide on page 1 for more detailed instructions). 
<!-- Juventus ads -->
<record id="8000" path="pictures/ads/generic/black"/>
<record id="8001" path="pictures/ads/europe/italy/clubs/juventus/drughi"/>
<record id="8002" path="pictures/ads/europe/italy/clubs/juventus/sud"/>

I want a plain black adboard to display at adboard '0' and my banners behind the goal, in this case Drughi as adboard '32' and Sud as adboard '31'.

We now go back to our first piece of code to place these 3 new boards in there correct position, we know that <integer value="661000"/> represents adboard '0' so we change this to <integer value="8000"/>, likewise we change <integer value="661031"/> adboard '31' to <integer value="8002"/> 'Drughi' and <integer value="661032"/> adboard '32' to <integer value="8001"/> 'Sud'
<!-- Juventus -->
<list id="1139">
<integer value="3500"/>
<integer value="8000"/>
<integer value="661001"/>
<integer value="8002"/>
<integer value="8001"/>

load up FM18 and we get this result


반커브 반커브님 포함 4명이 추천

추천인 4

  • 반커브
  • 임나영

  • SilverWolf

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