피드백 패널 넣었는데 왜 안나오는거냐!!!

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<panel save_session_state="true">


    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />


                <container class="inner_titled_box">

                    <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="0" />

                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />


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                        <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" gap="8" offset="2" embed_in_frame="true" />

                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" embed_in_frame="true" />

                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" embed_in_frame="true" />


                        <widget class="view_menu_label" id="TitL" embed_in_frame="true" auto_size="all">

                            <translation id="text" translation_id="257238" type="use" value="Matches" />



                        <widget class="view_menu_popup" id="visc" sele="stsc" auto_size="all" embed_in_frame="true" save_session_state="true" save_default_state="true">

                            <list id="items">

                                <record id="Mfee">

                                    <translation id="name" translation_id="337896" type="use" value="Feedback[COMMENT: player form; title of a view displaying comments made by the assistant manager after matches]" />







                    <!-- Player match feedback-->

                    <widget class="table" id="pfed" mode="fill_rows, stripe_rows,printable,keyboard" layout="140, 120, 60, -1" row_spacing="0" auto_size_rows="true" save_session_state="true">


                        <list id="headings">


                                <translation id="text" translation_id="319504" type="use" value="Opponent[COMMENT: player match feedback history; panel header text above a list of opponents]" />



                                <translation id="text" translation_id="319505" type="use" value="Date[COMMENT: stage type for menu]" />



                                <translation id="text" translation_id="247233" type="use" value="Venue" />



                                <translation id="text" translation_id="319506" type="use" value="Assistant's Comment[COMMENT: match team talk; text preceding the assistant manager's advice on what to say in the team talk]" />









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베니테즈 베니테즈님 포함 2명이 추천

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댓글 9

생명 작성자 2018.09.15. 15:07

아.. 피드백 왜 안나오는지 알았네;;;;

경기 출장이 20경기가 안넘어서 안나온거 였어요 ㅠㅠ
다른 선수들 다 찾아보니까,,  20경기 안넘은 넘들만 나오질 않았네요 ㄷㄷ;;;
생명 작성자 2018.09.15. 20:22

에몽상!!  20경기 뛴 선수는 나오고 안 뛴 Babys은 나오질 않는거였어요!!

에몽상이 잘못된게 아니었어요!!
나의 무지가 당신을 힘들게 했군요!!!  수컹수컹..
마루에몽 2018.09.15. 20:26
그게 아니더라도 저거 붙여넣기 해주시면
따로 버튼 클릭 하실 필요 없이 경기 피드백 누르시면 피드백 내용이 출력될겁니다.
생명 작성자 2018.09.15. 20:32

오!! 당신은 능력자!!!!   4라해요~!~ 에모사

                                 ㅇ               ㅇㅇ
마루에몽 2018.09.15. 20:33
확인 한번 해보시고 댓글로 알려만 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
생명 작성자 2018.09.15. 20:40

패널이   player form  //  player overview panel

이렇게 2개던데 어디다가 넣어야 하나요?
player form  같은데 맞나요??
마루에몽 2018.09.15. 20:42
네 attributes 폴더에 들어있는 player form 입니다.
권한이 없습니다. 로그인


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